We recommend that you first relocate the QAT if it is in the default position (above the Ribbon), as shown highlighted in red within Figure 1.

Here’s a screenshot of a flyer I made recently using PowerPoint to advertise PEI’s Office 365 Services. Add Combine Shape Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar in PowerPoint 2010 for Windows.
I’m going to show you how to use the Union and Subtract functions of the Merge Shapes tool. Do one of the following: To ungroup shapes or other objects, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Group, and then click Ungroup. And really, it’s just plain old easier to deal with one shape than to keep track of several different layers and fragmented pieces. Select the group that you want to ungroup. For example, you can fill the entire shape with the same photo, you can give the shape an outline that matches up perfectly, or you can make the shape transparent without worrying about any overlapping sections. This is preferable to layering shapes on top of each other and using the Group function, because you can edit the shape and apply formatting uniformly. With this tool, you can create any shape you want by merging multiple shapes together. In this Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Tutorial, you will learn How To Enable Merge Shapes or Combine Shapes command in the Microsoft Office Ribbon Tabs or into t. One of the most useful tools I’ve come across while using PowerPoint is the Merge Shapes tool. I frequently use PowerPoint to create handouts and flyers, and while it doesn’t quite compare with the sophisticated toolsets included with a program like Photoshop or InDesign, there are some tricks you can use to bring your PowerPoint designs to the next level. While holding the Shift key, select another shape. The merged shape will take on the color of the first shape selected, so if you want to keep a particular color, be sure to select that shape first. PowerPoint can be a valuable tool for producing professional-looking designs. In the list on the left, for each of the four Shape options, Shape Combine, Shape Intersect, Shape Subtract, Shape Union, select the option. You can use the Merge Shapes feature to create new, custom shapes from one or more existing shapes.